On the Trail of the Man who Discovered the Mountain Gorilla
Overall goals of this portion of the Gorilla 100 project:
The driving message behind all of our activities associated with this portion of the project is: "PRESERVATION THROUGH VISUALIZATION". Through a worldwide effort of visual imagery of the mountain gorillas in their natural habitat (delivered in a variety of formats), combined with educational material on their history and current situation, we hope to help ensure the preservation of this majestic and extremely endangered species.
Project Outcomes:
Through this variety of events, we wish to accomplish the following goals, which will lead to the Mountain Gorilla Conservation Funds main goal- the preservation of the Mountain Gorillas.
1. Increased worldwide public visibility of Mountain Gorillas in their natural habitat.
2. Increased worldwide public awareness and education of the current status of the Mountain Gorillas.
3. The donated equipment, and teaching the park rangers how to use it, will provide for long-term income generation for the fund.
4. Money raised by these projects and fund-raisers will help support the MGCF activities.
5. By the worldwide promotion of these events, the increased tourism will provide long-term financial support for the countries economy, gorillas protection and preservation. Travel and tourism (pre 1996) was the second source of income to country.